Here we have collected the most frequently asked questions. Please read them before contacting support.

Shipping Information

What shipping methods are available?

Shipping methods include FED EX and UPS. In the event the item is too large for either the shipment is sent via a transport driver with truck. All orders are shipped with tracking to ensure delivery.

Yes! All orders can be shipped internationally

When placing an order from our website at the bottom of each product it gives you an estimated time frame for delivery. You can call at anytime and speak to our Customer Care Department to obtain an ETA.

Yes, orders can be shipped to different locations, please place instructions in the note section when placing the order.

Payment Information

What payments methods are available?

We accept all major credit cards as well as PayPal.

Please call to speak to our Customer Care Department to process split payments

Orders And Returns

How do I return or exchange an item?

Please email support@ All returns are subject to a 20% restocking fee.

To cancel an existing order please email support@ or call 240-347-3827 Sales Option

Still Have Questions?

Here we have collected the most frequently asked questions. Please read them before contacting support.